website credits

Curious what I used to build this website? here's a non-comprehensive list of snippets, graphics, templates, or other resources i might have used along the way!

note: this was created well after a good portion of the site was built. I may miss some things or be unable to find the sources. in other words, this is not a complete list of everything and anything I used, just a list of what I can remember.

The Holy Bible of coding, W3Schools, was referenced countless times during the construction of this website. stackoverflow was also frequently visitied. I cannot stress how many different times I've gone to google for a problem. dont be afraid to look it up if you're having trouble with something!

Coding Setup

IDE (aka code editor):

Brackets / PhoenixCode


Windows 11


OperaGX, FireFox for live preview




About Page

Art Gallery

Witchcraft Page

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